Tuesday, December 20, 2005

12.02.05 and 12.09.05 Shows Are Now Online!

I have just uploaded the fourth AND fifth PODWOM shows!

You can listen to PODWOM4 HERE

The theme of this show is "Exposing Size Discrimination." This show is 51 minutes long and includes interviews with BFB's Paul McAleer in the PODWOM BUZZ and ISAA UK and ISAA Middle East and North Africa President, Fatima Parker.

You can listen to PODWOM5 HERE

The theme of this show is "Hungry For More: An Interview With Robyn McGee." This show is 31 minutes long and I interview author Robyn McGee, who wrote "Hungry For More: A Keeping It Real Guide For Black Women's Weight and Body Image." She currently works an advisor in the Women's Studies and Behaviorial Science Departments at California State University, Dominguez Hills, and she frequently writes and lectures on women's issues and popular culture.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

New Shows Coming Soon!

There will be two PODWOM podcasts going live in the next week! We had some delays for various reasons but the shows are being recorded, edited and prepared for your listening pleasure. Please stay tuned as we have some dynamite shows heading your way, just in time for the holidays!

Best Wishes,
Allen Steadham
Director ISAA
